Blair duQuesnay, CFP® CFA®
Lead Advisor - The Preserve
How I arrived at RWM
"It’s a long and wild ride of a story. In my first job as a sales assistant at a brokerage firm, Barry was a client. I eventually left the brokerage firm, and learned investing and financial planning from some of the most talented advisors in the RIA world. After I relocated to New Orleans and began using social media, I ‘met’ Josh on Twitter and a real life friendship followed after we were on the same 40 Under 40 list in 2014. When I met Kris in 2017, we talked about how the firm imbedded financial planning as a core of their service. A seed was unknowingly planted in my mind. I saw a group of talented people whom I admire, building a world-class wealth management firm. Josh’s blog about the firm having failed to hire more women was the final nudge I needed to jump, and here I am."
Favorite part of the job
"For me, it’s all about building long-term trusted relationships with clients and their families. The work we do is about solving problems for clients and providing them with peace of mind. I’m just as happy digging into a complicated financial plan as I am studying the markets and investing."
When I’m Not Working
"I spend most of my time outside of work with my husband and two young children, and I’m loving it. I can’t believe I waited so long to become a parent, and I’m so thankful that I finally took that plunge. In the mornings, I have a dedicated ashtanga yoga practice. I’m also a serial hobbyist and enjoy reading, skiing, fishing, and sailing."