How  I  arrived  at  RWM
I've worked in content and research in a number of environments: newsrooms, brokerages,‬ banks, and sell-side research firms. I've always admired Ritholtz's ability to make investing‬ simple in an industry of unnecessary complexity. Josh, Michael and I realized there was a‬ huge need for smart, Wall Street quality research that every investor could use. And if‬ anybody could fill that need, it'd be Ritholtz. I'm honored to help the RWM team teach you‬ how to build your own wealth through investing and smart financial decisions.‬
Favorite  part  of  the  job
I do what I do to make you feel more confident and informed about your money.‬ It's the best feeling when people tell me my work has helped them better‬ understand their finances, the economy and this crazy world we're all navigating.‬ There's nothing better than helping people win.‬
When  I’m  Not  Working
I love running, cooking, watching true crime, listening to Taylor Swift and‬ alternative rock, and hanging out with my family in North Carolina.‬ Oh, and I'm one of the biggest — and most obnoxious — Tar Heel fans around.‬ Go heels!‬
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